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Wealth Creation


NCM Wealth Creation funds are concentrated portfolios that aim for wealth beyond the index by investing in high-quality, profitable companies. Use them to target superior long-term returns.

Pursue outperformance Icon

Pursue outperformance

NCM Wealth Creation funds target smaller and high-growth companies with the potential to beat the index over time. Use them to add higher expected returns to your portfolio.

Own profitable businesses Icon

Own profitable businesses

NCM Wealth Creation funds only own businesses with a history of positive earnings. Invest for higher growth potential without the risks that come with owning unprofitable companies and assets.

Be highly selective Icon

Be highly selective

NCM Wealth Creation funds focus as much as 50% of their assets in their top 10 holdings. Participate in the growth potential of very carefully chosen companies without watering down your potential.

Companies we like to own

We choose profitable companies, and dividends are one of the best measures of the quality and sustainability of those profits.

Dividend Potentials Icon

Dividend Potentials

We define Dividend Potentials as profitable companies that are reinvesting their cash rather than paying dividends.

Dividend Payers Icon

Dividend Payers

We define Dividend Payers as companies that have provided a consistent stream of dividend income.

Dividend Growers Icon

Dividend Growers

We define Dividend Growers as companies that have increased their dividends by more than 10% per year.